By: Jordan Smith On: November 27, 2023 In: Exit Cleaning Comments: 0

Moving out of a property can be a stressful and overwhelming process, but one aspect that should not be overlooked is the exit cleaning. Leaving a property in a clean and pristine condition is not only a courteous gesture towards the new occupants but also ensures that you receive your full security deposit back.

While some may choose to tackle Exit Cleaning Melbourne themselves, hiring professional cleaning services can make the entire experience much smoother and stress-free. Every property is different, and by providing detailed information about the size, layout, and any special requirements of your home, the cleaning company can better prepare for the task at hand.

Checklist for the cleaning company to ensure that nothing is missed during the cleaning process:

Essential Areas to Focus On:


The kitchen is one of the most frequently used areas in a home and requires special attention when it comes to cleaning.

  1. Oven, Stove, and Range Hood:

Thoroughly cleaning the oven, stove, and range hood is essential to remove grease, stains, and leftover food particles.

Use appropriate cleaners to ensure the best results. Pay close attention to the oven racks, burner grates, and filters in the range hood.

  1. Refrigerator and Freezer:

Before the cleaning service arrives, defrost and empty the refrigerator and freezer.

Remove all expired items and give the interiors a deep cleaning. Pay attention to shelves, drawers, and any removable parts. Wipe down the exterior surfaces as well.

  1. Cabinets, Countertops, and Sink:

Clean the cabinets both inside and out, removing any debris or residue. Use appropriate cleaning products based on the material of your cabinets.

Wipe down countertops and sanitise the sink area, paying attention to any stains or buildup. Follow any special care instructions for specific countertop materials, such as granite.


The bathrooms are another area that requires thorough cleaning to ensure hygiene and freshness.

  1. Toilet(s), Sink(s), and Shower/Bathtub:

Disinfect the toilets, sinks, and shower/bathtub areas, paying attention to removing any soap scum or stains.

Use suitable cleaners that won’t damage fixtures or tiles. Don’t forget to sanitise the toilet bowl, including under the rim. Eliminate any unpleasant odours by using appropriate cleaning products.

  1. Mirrors and Windows:

Clean the mirrors and windows in the bathrooms using streak-free methods. Choose non-abrasive cleaning solutions and lint-free cloths to avoid leaving any marks.

Pay attention to any smudges or fingerprints on the glass surfaces.

Exit Cleaning

Additional Cleaning Tasks:


It is important to thoroughly clean the floors of your old home, including carpets, tiles, and hardwood.

For carpets, consider professional carpet cleaning services if necessary. Vacuum the carpets thoroughly to remove dirt, dust, and pet hair.

For tiles, mop the floors using appropriate cleaning solutions. Pay attention to grout lines and use a grout cleaner if needed. For hardwood floors, consider using a steam mop or a specialised hardwood floor cleaner.

Walls and Baseboards:

Dust or wash the walls and baseboards to remove dirt, scuff marks, and fingerprints. Use mild soap solutions and soft sponges to avoid damaging the paint.

Pay attention to high-traffic areas and corners that often collect dust.

Light Fixtures and Ceiling Fans:

Clean light fixtures and ceiling fans to remove dust and dirt buildup. Ensure the power is turned off before conducting any maintenance.

Use appropriate cleaning tools and solutions to prevent any damage to electrical components.

Final Touches:

Inspecting the Cleaned Property:

After the exit cleaning process is complete, conduct a thorough inspection of the property. Check every room, corner, and surface to ensure that nothing was missed.

If you notice any areas that require further attention, address them immediately with the cleaning company to ensure a satisfactory outcome.

Documenting the Cleanliness:

To protect yourself from potential disputes, take photographs or videos of the cleaned property as proof of its condition.

Keep records of invoices or receipts from the professional End of Lease Cleaning Hawthorn service as additional evidence of the thoroughness of the cleaning.


Taking professional cleaning services for your exit cleaning Melbourne can make the entire moving out process smoother and less stressful.

With this checklist in hand, you can confidently move on to your new home with the help of the right experts. Oz Vacate Cleaning specialises in providing top-notch end of lease cleaning services, ensuring your property is left immaculate and ready for its next occupants. Our dedicated team of professionals takes pride in delivering thorough cleaning solutions, covering every nook and cranny for a smooth and successful move-out process.

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